Shabbat/Holiday Programming Tzedek Israel Centre of Excellence Jewish Education Ask Big Questions JLIC Jewski Harvey's Table What is Taglit- Birthright Israel?
Hosting festive and meaningful celebrations, meals and religious services is an important cornerstone of our program. Hillel will act on behalf of Jewish Toronto students' on matters related to Jewish observance and ensure all religious needs are met on campus. If you are looking for a Shabbat meal in downtown Toronto, we have you covered. Hillel of Greater Toronto, Aish in the Annex, and Chabad @ UofT proudly present 'The Downtown Rotating Minyan' - a weekly Friday night service and free kosher Shabbat meal available for students throughout the academic year. Rosh Hashana/Yom Kippur services are available at the Wolfond Centre and York University as well as many congregations throughout the city that will make specific arrangements for students.
Hillel also provides:
• Sukkahs/Lulavs/Etrogs on all campuses for Sukkot
• Chanukah candle lighting and candsles and menorahs for students
• Magillah reading for Purim
For specific information, please contact the Wolfond Centre or emailing [email protected].
Hillel offers students the opportunity to engage in a wide array of volunteer opportunities throughout the year and
simultaneously empowers students to develop their own social action projects on campus. We give students the tools
to pursue justice and sustainability in our community and around the globe. Using the philosophy of Tikkun Olam, repairing the world, our programs connect students to meaningful public services and encourage creative thinking when addressing social justice issues. Tzedek programming also provides travel opportunities for students who want to reach out and gain an understanding of other global communities. For more information on how to get involved, contact Tamar Berger at [email protected]
Israel Centre of Excellence - providing compelling Israel engagement
1. To integrate a more holistic picture of Israel naturally into the campus conversation
2. Serve as testing grounds for innovative initiatives that engage wider circles of students
3. Inspire other campuses to think creatively and proactively about sophisticated and resonant Israel engagement
4. Create a paradigm for best practices and innovative thinking
5. Develop benchmarks for what constitutes success in the Israel sphere for students and professionals
Hillel of Greater Toronto is honoured to be chosen as one of four Israel Centers of Excellence for Israel engagement on campus throughout North America.
Israel is an important component of our vision for a meaningful Jewish experience and Hillel will continue to further develop creative and compelling models for presenting Israel within the campus community education to meaningfully engage more students with Israel and enhance their understanding and connection to the Jewish state. With this designation, we have an opportunity to think about Israel in new ways and serve as a hub of resources and strategies
for the wider Hillel world. Contact Shirin Ezekiel at 416-913-2428 or [email protected]
if you would like more information or to get involved. Online sign up sheet – EVENT BRIGHT
Jewish Education/Spirituality
Ask Big Questions
Ask Big Quesitons promotes civil discourse and society by providing an open space for University of Toronto students to engage in the BIG questions of life. Through student-led discussions, roundtable conversations with professors & community leaders and a dynamic website, AskBigQuestions fosters discussions around practical and existential topics ranging from politics to social change, from biology to G- d. These questions which use Jewish wisdom as a spark for conversations provide a common starting point for community members of all backgrounds to interact with one another.
Visit us on
Jewish Learning Initiative on Campus (JLIC)
The mission of JLIC is to enable, encourage, and advance Jewish education and commitment of Jewish students;
to instill Jewish pride; to provide avenues to spiritual development and exploration for Jewish students from all backgrounds; and to strengthen Jewish communities in a manner that also encourages openness and mutual
respect to all Jews.
The Goals of JLIC are:
• Maximize the growth and development of Torah learning.
• Build personal relationships with students and help further their religious growth.
• Develop future Jewish leaders.
• Strengthen the Jewish connection between Jewish students and Israel.
• Provide counseling, services, and religious support and guidance to all Jewish students.
For more information, please contact:Rabbi Aaron Greenberg, [email protected] 416.843.0245
or Miriam Greenberg , [email protected] 416.564.0604
Jewski is an organization for Russian-speaking, Jewish, young adults of the GTA ages 18-26. It is designed to connect people within this community as well as facilitate networking, leadership development and the building of meaningful relationships. Jewski enables young adults to explore their culture and identity while contributing to their growing community within Toronto and the GTA. Jewski events range in variety from a Soviet-themed pub night to intimate Shabbat dinners, road trips to large American-Russian Shabbatons to intimate groups discussing Jewish identity. Don't miss the opportunity to join our annual highlight - the Taglit-Birthright Israel:CIE Russian- Canadian Adventure. Twenty Canadian-Russians are joined by twenty Russian students from cities across the Former Soviet Union for a unique opportunity to explore and learn together in Israel.
For more information, Like us on Facebook Please email Alona Geysman or Yulia Korolitsky for more info, event updates or proposals! We hope to see you soon!
Harvey's Table
What is Taglit- Birthright Israel?
Taglit-Birthright Israel provides Jewish young adults aged 18 to 26 the gift of a first time, peer group, educational trip to Israel. The founders created this program to send thousands of young Jewish adults from all over the world to Israel as a gift in order to diminish the growing division between Israel and Jewish communities around the world. The purpose is to strengthen the sense of solidarity among world Jewry; and to reinforce participants' personal Jewish identity and connection to the Jewish people. The gift of the 10-day trip is provided by our partners: private philanthropists through The Birthright Israel Foundation; the Government of Israel; and Jewish communities around the world (North American Jewish Federations, Keren Hayesod and the Jewish Agency for Israel). Canada Israel Experience,Hillel of Greater Toronto and the United Jewish Appeal Federation are among the partners providing Birthright Israel trips for youth in Canada. For more info and registration please visit or email [email protected].